Edgeware, the pioneer of online TV delivery systems, announces its first container-based software solutions, which are optimised for public and private cloud platforms. The solutions being delivered as containers are its unique Origin products, TV Content Capture and TV Repackager. Following these, Edgeware has also revealed plans to migrate the rest of its software solutions into Docker containers.
“This is a significant development for the company and our customers,” said Karl Thedéen, CEO at Edgeware. “It takes our software solutions to the next level and allows our customers to benefit from our technology while deploying it natively in the cloud. It also gives Edgeware the core capability to offer its technology in a SaaS model.”
Edgeware’s cloud-native containerised solutions are based on widely adopted implementation tools, using Docker containers and Kubernetes orchestration and provisioning, to simplify the operating environment and reduce costs.
“Cloud platforms are attractive because of their adaptability, and containers were designed for the cloud,” said Johan Bolin, VP products at Edgeware. “They add even greater agility and efficiency, are easy to maintain and upgrade and can be integrated into head-end cloud solutions and workflows.”
Container-based versions of Edgeware’s software products have already been verified on the Google Cloud Platform. They are now ready to be deployed in all major cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services and OpenStack systems.
“We had already used a microservice-based design architecture in our software, enabling our Origin solutions to scale independently for ingest and egress requirements – which is ideal for adding temporary capacity, for example,” added Bolin. “The new containerized versions of our system allow our customers to benefit from a public or private cloud deployment.”
The containerised solutions can be deployed in combination with Edgeware’s own purpose-built TV servers, data centre deployments and COTS hardware. This provides customers the unique ability to ‘mix and match’ deployment platforms and capitalise on values such as an agile cloud deployment along with distributed edge servers for best possible viewing experience.